We’re so happy you’ve chose to join us for a service! You may be passing through town or looking for a church home. If you’ve gone to church all your life or this is your first time stepping into a sanctuary. You are welcome here!
Fill out a connection card so we can learn more about you!
We welcome you to come in early! Sunday Mornings we offer free coffee starting at 9:30am. Many people come before church to fellowship.
We are a casual congregation and welcome you no matter what! Many wear dresses, ties, or their “Sunday Best.” You don’t have to be fancy to worship.
There is parking available on all 4 sides of the church! We encourage you to enter through the front doors so we can best assist you as you come in.
There is a Welcome Desk in the lobby as you enter the building. Please stop by and we can direct you.
We invite you to look through the rest of the website to better understand the different classes and ministries happening. If you have ANY question call 620-326-5521.