Our mission is to be a helping hand for families in our community, especially mothers and
babies. We offer spiritual, relational, and financial assistance. We believe every life is a gift from
God. Therefore, we want to walk alongside parents to help them raise their children.
Each family will be eligible for a free gift basket with household and self care supplies. We will also have numerous raffles for items like strollers, utility bills, groceries, and gas cards.
Please pull into the parking lot between the hours of 2-3 on October 2nd. There will be parking lot attendants and event volunteers to direct you. After filling out a short questionnaire you will receive your basket. Some larger raffle items will be given out at a future time. There will also be resource tables open to help with parenting, pre/post-natal questions, and prayer.
Limit one basket per household. You must be present to collect a basket. Baskets cannot be delivered or picked up on behalf of someone else. Supplies are limited. 100 baskets are available, entering the raffle is open even beyond the first 100 people.
Looking to donate or become a sponor? Please contact us and we would be grateful to facilitate monetary or supply donations. Advertising is available for the businesses who partner with us. Thank you for being apart of this ministry!